You can tap in to solutions to just about any question or problem.
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
Well it’s easy to forget that when you get an error code on your computer or Mac, or do not know how to find certain files on your PC, or just about anything, really – you are not the first person to have that problem. In fact there are likely to have been thousands of people with the same problem. And what some of them will have done, when they’ve resolved their issue, is put it online – into a forum (geeks especially can be very friendly and helpful people).
So if you get an error such as “The Group Policy Client Service has failed….Access denied” – if you can get online somehow, search for exactly that and find out how others have fixed this, you may
Or if you cannot work out how to upload files from your Mac to your website – a search will result in pages of others’ experiences, and quite possibly a solution that can work for you.
So the next time you get an error message or want to know how to do something, ask Google!
Yeah but sometimes you have to provide extra information, because the same error message can show up on different makes of computer. So I use “mac” or “macbook” to qualify the messages.
A good point, Ky – thank you.