A post over on The Blogmistress from a few years ago…
That is what it’s all about, isn’t it? For most of us. We want your attention and make use of every resource we can master to get it – Twitter, SEO, social bookmarking, social media, Facebook.
What we then do with it is another matter, of course. That’s when more traditional marketing skills come in, I suggest.
Taking the Blogmistress site as a case study, several hundred of you visit us every day now – which is wonderful (and thank you). But as the boss I then have to consider what we’re doing with and for you now that you’re here.
Of course much of what we aim to do is help you with your WordPress – one of the main reasons for creating the Blogmistress was to give me a great excuse to do just that – it’s what I like doing best – helping you to make sense of stuff that is within your grasp.
But then, with people to pay and hosting to maintain and pencil fetishes to be satisfied we also need to make better use of your attention from a business point of view. That’s the bit I’m rubbish at, that’s for certain (hence George on the team!).
Which brings me to you. What are you doing with the attention that you’ve worked hard to attract to your blog and website? Do you know just how much you’re getting and where it’s coming from?
What I’d love to do is listen to your advice and suggestions and then test at least some of them out, open R&D if you like – so we find out together what works, at least for us here, and what perhaps does not. So – get stuck in and share your nuggets of wisdom – as someone who has arrived here. And thank you.