Who knew? We can add interest to your holding text – either to make clients chuckle or to encourage them to provide their actual content. Choose your Ipsum wisely, though, people…
In the brilliant Genesis Slack group the chat somehow moved to the use of holding text for new websites. Instead of empty pages, and until you have your content ready, us web creation bods tend to use the Lorem Ipsum text, to give us and you an idea of how the page and website will feel.
Well it seems there are lots of alternatives – I had no idea – so I’m sharing some with you, in case you too were not aware and have use for such things…
For fellow cat people we have Cat Ipsum, then for cake lovers there is cupcake ipsum, and for geeks, well there are of course several to choose from, my favourites being DeLorean Ipsum, Doctor Ipsum and Riker Ipsum – this week, at least.
Meet The Ipsums provides a pretty thorough listing of generator sites available or of course you can google “lorem ipsum alternative generator” and see what’s available, because I’m sure more will be added all the time…
Indeed it’s not that difficult to create your own and most accept your suggestions (I offered up “curl up and sleep on freshly laundered towels” to the cat ipsum site, for instance). I’m thinking A Field of Dreams, perhaps, or Star Trek (the original series, that is), or Game of Thrones or Harry Potter or Tolkien or Heinlein or … OK, time to stop now and get back to work. 😉
Edit: Patricia Cárdenas suggested this page for creating just the right amount of holding text for your site and in the format you need – looks good, and thanks Patricia.