The following is taken and updated from a detailed article written a while ago that outlines the various areas worth considering for your website and for your Internet marketing strategy. Now I'm going to break this down into a few sessions for you … [Continue reading]
Updating your website’s copyright date
One of the annual website maintenance tasks for early January can be to update the copyright notice on your website(s). This is obviously not urgent and can certainly be included when your website is next updated (you do update your website … [Continue reading]
WordPress tip: Setting a different home page
As you can see on the Internet Marketing Action website/blog, the home page is a "static" page and not the usual list of the latest blogs. By telling WordPress to take your visitors to this "home" page, it appears more like a website. You do … [Continue reading]
Reputation Repair
Sometimes, for some people, and for whatever reason, there may be a web page listing on the search engines for your name that you'd rather not be there. While you are unlikely to be able to have it removed, there is action you can take to bury the … [Continue reading]
Books to read for your Internet marketing strategy
Internet Marketing Strategy essential reading for anyone wanting to make the most of their business, and who wants to explore making use of the Internet to enable more business. Don't Make Me Think!: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by … [Continue reading]